Our therapists explores ways of developing higher achievement levels in people with disabilities. It pushes the boundaries of “accept and adapt” and has a direct approach to systematically solving problems.
These are some of the many disabilities already within the Active therapy programme:
Who can benefit from Active therapy?
• Poor Body Awareness
• Low Muscle Tone
• Low Achievement Levels
• Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
• Dyspraxia
• Dyslexia
• Cerebral Palsy
• Learning Disabilities
• Autistic Spectrum Disorder
There are, of course, many other impairments too numerous to mention. Active therapy can make a significant difference.
The principles behind Active therapy
Wanting and expecting the best for your child?
The true potential of a person can often be hidden by the labels society puts upon them. It is very easy to accept the status quo when you’re being told “That’s all that can be expected”.
Active therapy looks beyond these labels, at each individual.
The programme is practically based, working on the principle of self achievement. It is designed to explore ways of giving that feeling of achievement for ALL levels of ability, breaking down the skills sufficiently so that, EVERYONE CAN SUCCEED.
How can the whole family help?
What is unique about the Active therapy programme is that it involves the child, siblings, parents and, where appropriate other professionals, such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and teachers. All agencies have access to the Active therapy session at all times, through observation, participation or consultation, thus ensuring that the programme is complementary to all other aspects of the child’s development.
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